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8M5T-19C112 Language
Posted: 28 Feb 2020, 18:46
by sanndo
Did anyone find a way to flash sprm with another language?
Direct vbf upload or somethin?
I have Italy speech module and try to flash it with A...
Re: 8M5T-14D511 Language
Posted: 01 Mar 2020, 08:31
by Go4IT
I think your topic-title is a bit misleading. Your module is a Bluetooth-Module and the "well known" partnumber of it is 8M5T-19C112. You want to change this...
Re: 8M5T-14D511 Language
Posted: 01 Mar 2020, 08:45
by sanndo
Yep, done
Re: 8M5T-19C112 Language
Posted: 01 Mar 2020, 10:32
by DGAlexandru
It should also be in a different section, as this module is not BlauPunkt / Bosch
I played with language swap for this modules, first by modifying the VBF file - Eng language to look like the current loaded language but with no success - it fails at loading the FW.
Also writing / swapping all 3 flash memory chips doesn't change the Part Number of the module, even if the language swap is a success, at a future update from USB it will load the original language files.
Re: 8M5T-19C112 Language
Posted: 01 Mar 2020, 10:40
by sanndo
That was I think to do.. swap/reprogram eeprom inside.. but when you do this without success.. I think we need to find a way to do this language change
Re: 8M5T-19C112 Language
Posted: 01 Mar 2020, 19:43
by Go4IT
I think we need to disassemble the FW to get know how it work.
The Firmware resides in 3 Flash Chips (2, 7, 5) and an EEPROM (23) ... innenleben
Also, if you can read (translate) German, you may want to read my findings here:
DGAlexandru: did you resolder the Flash chips? Or did you find a way to JTAG/BDM it?
Re: 8M5T-19C112 Language
Posted: 01 Mar 2020, 19:48
by DGAlexandru
Desolder, put in TSOP48 adapter, read and write, then solder back.
The chip that contains language is TSOP56... very hard to find & expensive.. so for this one I did a swap from a broken module.
I never played with that 25C64 EEPROM.. if here is the "language setting" I'm going to kill myself
Re: 8M5T-19C112 Language
Posted: 01 Mar 2020, 19:56
by sanndo
DGAlexandru if you have pcb on your desk, check this eeprom.. Or I can remove my from car and read and post dump here....
Re: 8M5T-19C112 Language
Posted: 01 Mar 2020, 20:11
by sanndo
Go4IT just downlaod your dumps and check it.. There is a strange data inside 95640:
A here mean English, B - German... And why VIN is inside this dump
Re: 8M5T-19C112 Language
Posted: 01 Mar 2020, 20:59
by DGAlexandru
read your EEPROM and put dump here.
If you have:
8M5T-14D512-AA - this is common on all languages
8M5T-14D509-AS - this is common on all languages
Then modify them to be "-AN"
Put EEPROM back and read with ELMconfig the info from module.
If something now is with AN then try the update with 8M5T-14D511-AT.vbf file only on USB.
I don't have my soldering station at home.. I had to play with it at a client and I've left it in my car