Right now i now that it is layouted like a script, the work is does is there step by step, block by block. You find this when looking at the strings it contains:
Code: Select all
ROM:00000009 0000000D C FGS DNL Mode
ROM:00000079 0000001F C Start Download 0%
ROM:000000E9 0000001F C Erase FDS Area 2%
ROM:00000191 0000001F C Erase Testmanager Area 3%
ROM:00000239 0000001F C Erase Application Area 5%
ROM:000002E1 0000001F C Flash FDS Area 21%
ROM:00000389 0000001F C Flash FDS Area 22%
ROM:00000431 0000001F C Flash FDS Area 23%
ROM:000004D9 0000001F C Flash FDS Area 24%
ROM:00000581 0000001F C Flash Testmanager Area 25%
ROM:00005E19 0000001F C Flash Testmanager Area 26%
ROM:0000B6B1 0000001F C Flash Testmanager Area 27%
ROM:00010F81 0000001F C Flash Testmanager Area 28%
ROM:00016819 0000001F C Flash Testmanager Area 29%
ROM:0001C0E9 0000001F C Flash Testmanager Area 30%
ROM:00021981 0000001F C Flash Testmanager Area 31%
ROM:00027251 0000001F C Flash Testmanager Area 32%
ROM:0002CAE9 0000001F C Flash Testmanager Area 33%
ROM:0004DF21 0000001F C Flash Testmanager Area 39%
ROM:0004DFC9 0000001F C Flash Application Area 60%
ROM:0052CF89 0000001F C Flash Application Area 89%
ROM:0052D031 0000001F C Verifying Flash 90%
ROM:0052D0D9 0000001F C Flashing finished 100%
ROM:0052D140 00000009 C ADMINEND
Code: Select all
0x00 : frametype
0x12 = Flash erase
0x16 = info payload to update display
0x22 = some kind of dummy frame (contains only "FF")
0x24 = Flash data
0x41 = END-Frame
0x42 = contains 0x0E additional bytes of a prior 0x12 command-frame (see below)
0x01..0x04 : number of payload bytes after frame header (0x00 means "no data") in Little-Endian format
0x05..0x07 : target address (Little Endian)
0x08 : Always 0x00 (padding byte?)
0x09..0x37 : Frame payload data of given length (all "FF" if length was 0)
Code: Select all
Format of frametype 0x16:
0x00 : The progressbar image percentage value (0x3F = 63%)
0x01.. : ASCII-Text shown in display e.g. "Flashing finished 100%", padded to 30 characters with "00" bytes up to end of given payload length
Format of frametype 0x24:
The "FDS Area" is written to 0x0002 0000
The "Testmanager" (FGMAGIC.TMG) to 0x0003 0000
The "Application Area" (FGMAGIC.STD) to 0x0007 0000
Format of frametype 0x42:
"02 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 46 00 FA 00 0F 00"
Code: Select all
Offset(h) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
0052D140 41 44 4D 49 4E 45 4E 44 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ADMINEND........
0052D150 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0052D160 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 ................
0052D170 02 00 00 00 3C 00 00 00 ....<...
Code: Select all
0x00 .. 0x07 "ADMINEND" (keyword), frametype 0x41
Code: Select all
Offset(h) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
0052D170 00 00 00 00 10 0A 08 0B ........
0052D180 00 00 01 00 CE DE AD CE 31 21 52 31 94 D1 52 00 ....ÎÞ.Î1!R1”ÑR.
0052D190 25 FE 51 7C %þQ|
split into DWORDs (left size in native byteorder, little-endian. right size in Big-Endian):
1. 0000 0000 = 0000 0000
2. 100A 080B = 0B08 0A10
3. 0000 0100 = 0001 0000
5. 3121 5231 = 3152 2131
6. 94D1 5200 = 0052 D194
7. 25FE 517C = 7C51 FE25
The 6th DWORD is the length of the fgd.dnl file (0x52D194)
The 7th DWORD is aa CRC-32 checksum of the whole file (without the checksum itself)
There is also other interesting stuff inside, which we can look into as soon as we disassembled the structure:
Code: Select all
ROM:00113F49 0000002C C Fgs_AppHmi_u32VideoSignalCallback: VIDEO-CAL
ROM:00114159 00000014 C /cygdrive/c/AlteraWork/LS_Release/di_fgs_sw/Components/FgsAppHmi/src/FgsAppHmi.cpp
# Oh boy, i wish i had this cpp-source at hand ;-)
ROM:001141F9 0000001C C FGS_VideoScreen_vIsVideoSignal: bVideoSignal = %d : bNewVideoSignal = %d
ROM:0011425D 00000028 C FGS_VideoScreen_vIsVideoSignal: Video signal available\n
ROM:001142A1 0000001C C FGS_VideoScreen_vIsVideoSignal: NO Video signal\n
ROM:001142E1 00000014 C !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FGS_EVENT_HMI_VIDEO_FORCE_RESET !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n
ROM:001145A5 00000028 C fgs_tclEntry::vSwitchVideo: ################################ VIDEO_ON
ROM:00114611 0000002C C tclEntry::vSwitchVideo: ################################ VIDEO_OFF