Hello, I am trying to create app for translating of convers strings hovewer I am having difficulties with the custom character set.
There is used some kind of custom ASCII table with all the special characters included in the 256 character set.
Most probably I am missing just few of the first characters like ě, č, ř.
Does anyone have the full ASCII table or knows how to get it? I have been digging in the firmware but all I have found is something that looks like ASCII table or just a part of it but I don't know how it is used.
Here is what I have so far:
Code: Select all
0: "" // string terminator
1: "ÿ"
2: "Ă"
3: "ă"
4: "Ą"
5: "ą"
6: "Ć"
7: "ć"
8: ""
9: " "
10: "↵"
11: "Ď"
12: "ď"
13: " "
14: "đ"
15: ""
16: "ę"
17: ""
18: ""
19: ""
20: "ğ"
21: "I"
22: "ı"
23: ""
24: ""
25: ""
26: ""
27: ""
28: "ł"
29: ""
30: "ń"
31: ""
32: " "
33: "!"
34: """
35: "#"
36: "$"
37: "%"
38: "&"
39: "'"
40: "("
41: ")"
42: "*"
43: "+"
44: ","
45: "—"
46: "."
47: "/"
48: "0"
49: "1"
50: "2"
51: "3"
52: "4"
53: "5"
54: "6"
55: "7"
56: "8"
57: "9"
58: ":"
59: ";"
60: "<"
61: "="
62: ">"
63: "?"
64: "@"
65: "A"
66: "B"
67: "С"
68: "D"
69: "E"
70: "F"
71: "G"
72: "H"
73: "I"
74: "J"
75: "K"
76: "L"
77: "M"
78: "N"
79: "O"
80: "P"
81: "Q"
82: "R"
83: "S"
84: "T"
85: "U"
86: "V"
87: "W"
88: "X"
89: "Y"
90: "Z"
91: "["
92: "\"
93: "]"
94: "^"
95: "_"
96: "`"
97: "a"
98: "b"
99: "c"
100: "d"
101: "e"
102: "f"
103: "g"
104: "h"
105: "i"
106: "j"
107: "k"
108: "l"
109: "m"
110: "n"
111: "o"
112: "p"
113: "q"
114: "r"
115: "s"
116: "t"
117: "u"
118: "v"
119: "w"
120: "x"
121: "y"
122: "z"
123: "{"
124: "|"
125: "}"
126: "~"
127: "Ś"
128: "ś"
129: "Ş"
130: "ş"
131: "Ţ"
132: "ţ"
133: "Ť"
134: "ť"
135: "Ů"
136: "ů"
137: "ź"
138: "ż"
139: "Б"
140: "Г"
141: "Д"
142: "Ж"
143: "И"
144: "К"
145: "Л"
146: "П"
147: "У"
148: "Ф"
149: "Ц"
150: "Ч"
151: "Ш"
152: "Щ"
153: "Э"
154: "ю"
155: "Я"
156: "б"
157: "в"
158: "г"
159: "д"
160: "ж"
161: "¡"
162: "з"
163: "и"
164: "Й"
165: "к"
166: "Š"
167: "л"
168: "š"
169: "м"
170: "н"
171: "«"
172: "п"
173: "т"
174: "ф"
175: "ц"
176: "°"
177: "ч"
178: "ш"
179: "щ"
180: "´"
181: "Ъ"
182: "Ы"
183: "·"
184: "ž"
185: "Ь"
186: "э"
187: "»"
188: "¼"
189: "½"
190: "¾"
191: "¿"
192: "À"
193: "Á"
194: "Â"
195: "Ã"
196: "Ä"
197: "Å"
198: "Æ"
199: "Ç"
200: "È"
201: "É"
202: "Ê"
203: "Ë"
204: "Ì"
205: "Í"
206: "Î"
207: "Ï"
208: "Ð"
209: "Ñ"
210: "Ò"
211: "Ó"
212: "Ô"
213: "Õ"
214: "Ö"
215: "×"
216: "Ø"
217: "Ù"
218: "Ú"
219: "Û"
220: "Ü"
221: "Ý"
222: "Þ"
223: "ß"
224: "à"
225: "á"
226: "â"
227: "ã"
228: "ä"
229: "å"
230: "æ"
231: "ç"
232: "è"
233: "é"
234: "ê"
235: "Ё"
236: "ì"
237: "í"
238: "î"
239: "ï"
240: "ð"
241: "ñ"
242: "ò"
243: "ó"
244: "ô"
245: "õ"
246: "ö"
247: "я"
248: "ø"
249: "ù"
250: "ú"
251: "û"
252: "ü"
253: "ý"
254: "þ"
255: "ÿ"
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