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Re: reading and writing to 24c16A in circuit

Posted: 08 Apr 2019, 05:15
by Go4IT
Nice Steveb! :)
Here is the link you mention: ... umbau_typ3

It's not easy to find the flag, because each and every EEPROM is a bit different, because of software versions on the clock, etc. But it would be a good bet to look in the are where the kmh/mph resides. It may also be just a byte acting as a flag. When you suspect one, change it and retry until you find it. It shure be a hell of a job, but i did such things myself and sometimes fortune will help.

Re: reading and writing to 24c16A in circuit

Posted: 08 Apr 2019, 14:54
by Stevebe
After spend a bit of time compairing several 24c16 files be it Diesel or Petrol the difference on 1112 1122 1412 all showed the same
address 0x97 Km=0x01 and MPH 0x00 this was the case on both convers the petrol middle convers and the Diesel FL 1412.
Screenshot (89)_LI.jpg
ignor the lower part its just 097

Re: reading and writing to 24c16A in circuit

Posted: 08 Apr 2019, 15:12
by Go4IT
? Address 0x97 of the EEPROM contains unit, be 0x00 for MPH and 0x01 for KMH.

Re: reading and writing to 24c16A in circuit

Posted: 09 Apr 2019, 00:06
by Stevebe
Go4IT wrote: 08 Apr 2019, 15:12 ? Address 0x97 of the EEPROM contains unit, be 0x00 for MPH and 0x01 for KMH.
Yes that is what I meant to say, thanks Go4it.

Switch between Miles and Kilometers

Posted: 23 Jun 2019, 15:29
by Ursadon
Yes, at 0x97 - KM/MLS switch :)

I'm Looking for odometer value. As i know, it saved as divided by 16