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TRE27 (STN1170/ELM) adapter does not generate CF frames

Posted: 20 Dec 2023, 07:02
by Go4IT
My TRE27 adapter (clone of STN1170) does not generate CF (30 00 00) frames and i could not get why?

I send

Code: Select all

AT SH 726
22 F1 90
and get only the first-frame in return

Code: Select all

>22 F1 90
0: 62 F1 90 57 46 30
After attaching an CAN-Sniffer in read-only mode to the same bus i see that it does not generate the necessary flow-control frame, it just stops after receiving the FF:

Code: Select all

52,974 726      8 03 22 F1 90 00 00 00 00
52,986 72E      8 10 1B 62 F1 90 57 46 30

Re: TRE27 (STN1170/ELM) adapter does not generate CF frames

Posted: 20 Dec 2023, 18:29
by Go4IT
It was a problem because of the cheap clones. I've bought an genuine STN22xx adapter (OBDLinkEX) and with it, all works fine and as expected.