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Blaupunkt NX messed after Screen board

Posted: 10 Oct 2021, 10:33
by amplified
Hi all, i replaced the T-con board behind screen of a faulty NX with part from another - boards same and etc.
But here is what happens: some menus are messed as if address is pointing different stuff. Tried firmware update but yea... one of those NX that doesnt take the update...

Re: Blaupunkt NX messed after Screen board

Posted: 11 Oct 2021, 09:59
by DGAlexandru
Try to connect to the donating NX and read the Flash then write it in the new one; preserve 509 sector; do this by JTAG

Re: Blaupunkt NX messed after Screen board

Posted: 13 Oct 2021, 18:08
by amplified
Fixed. Cleaned cd drive and update to 5.3 all menus are fine mow