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Hi to all members

Posted: 16 Sep 2021, 16:31
by almyr
Hello, I'm Almir from Bosnia and Herzegovima. I have a small car repair shop.
I cameame here trough, I was interested in learning some new stuff and solving some problems about Ford FX/NX units, and Converse+ clocks. And also to learn stuff and exchange some expirience about other fields in electronics!

Re: Hi to all members

Posted: 16 Sep 2021, 18:43
by Go4IT
Hey Almyr, be welcome, i've just updated your access.
So you're interested in satnav repairs? that we share in common, it's also my passion :-)
Let's see if we can get some new secrets out of those great parts.

Re: Hi to all members

Posted: 16 Sep 2021, 18:56
by ZvonimirG
Welcome Almyr 🙂