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Convert clock from Diesel to Petrol

Posted: 12 Mar 2019, 20:35
by Stevebe
After spending some weeks searching the universe for a later FL petrol convers+ with no joy apart for silly prices.
I decided to convert a Diesel one how hard can it be. Well not as easy as I would of hoped,
Firstly dismantled the Diesel FL Convers then the middle FL Petrol. After some study I come to the conclusion best to use the Diesel MB
With the Petrolconvers Case/Frame, well after drilling hole to make the trim panel and dials fit I eventually got there.
All works fine apart from the RPM/tacho being diesel its calibrated FSD at 6k and not 8K, so now I start the hunt for a EEprom
Dump of a FL 14** petrol convers so I can compare the two Diesel / Petrol to see whot the differences are.
First problem I run into is not being able to read the eeprom in circuit with my reader, it complains of excessive load on VCC,
So I spent the day hunting down my Aardvark to find it had died of old age.. looked like cat peed in it. ?
So I have had to order a new one much to my horror £300. Ol well will continue when it arrives i surpose i could remove the eeprom
but thats to easy. LOL
ps i will take a few pictures of the mods i had to make to to fit the Petrol trim with Diesel speedo dial and petrol rmp dial
not a straight forward as it looked

Re: Reading and writing to 24c16A in circuit

Posted: 16 Mar 2019, 12:53
by Stevebe
ok have now managed to read eeproms on the Diesel convers 14xx has anyone got a dump of a petrol FL NVram 14xx
convers D14xx.jpeg

Re: reading and writing to 24c16A in circuit

Posted: 19 Mar 2019, 20:31
by Go4IT
Put one into your dropbox.

Re: reading and writing to 24c16A in circuit

Posted: 07 Apr 2019, 18:07
by Go4IT
Any progress on this?

Re: reading and writing to 24c16A in circuit

Posted: 07 Apr 2019, 20:18
by Stevebe
Go4IT wrote: 19 Mar 2019, 20:31 Put one into your dropbox.
Brilliant thanks for the Petrol EEPROM dump (24c16)
ok now we are cooking uploaded the petrol file to the EEPROM and the tacho seems to run up to 8k, just tested by comparing the speed for a know RPM in 5th and 3D gear, first with the Petrol convers then with the converted Diesel convers, they are just about spot on,
I also had to change from Km to MPH by changing bit 97 from 1 to O. There is a article on wiki I’ll find link later.
As you can see from the pictures I had to use the preface chassis to build the conversion on as the petrol Dial would only fit
On the petrol chassis. So to recap we have a Facelift convers main board NVRAM 1412, fitted into a middle convers chassis,
With the pre facelift trim, that’s about it,
I will post the differences between the EEPROM 24c16A. I’m sorry I’m short on pictures my camera died, I have now got another camera and as i have got to take the moded convers out to allow me to do other work, while it’s out I’ll grap a few pictures with the mods I had to make to the chassis. I have to say I struggle to string too words together (Dyslexia) so if I have made any stupid mistakes please let me know.

Re: reading and writing to 24c16A in circuit

Posted: 09 Apr 2019, 04:44
by Go4IT
Well, i thought we are looking for converting Convers+ from Diesel to Petrol ;-)

Re: reading and writing to 24c16A in circuit

Posted: 09 Apr 2019, 13:40
by Stevebe
I did that was the whole deal, the km to MPH was just the second part of the mod.
The first part was to change the tacho to read 8k in stead of 6k, I’m still working on the difference between the to files

Re: reading and writing to 24c16A in circuit

Posted: 09 Apr 2019, 13:55
by Stevebe
Go4IT wrote: 09 Apr 2019, 04:44 Well, i thought we are looking for converting Convers+ from Diesel to Petrol ;-)
It is and has been converted I’m just try to sort the byte difference between the petrol and diesel then I’ll post,
Look in the drop box

Re: reading and writing to 24c16A in circuit

Posted: 27 Jun 2019, 16:33
by Stevebe
A lot of testing and searching to find that the Eeprom gets the info from the BCM as far as the tacho goes the needle calibration is set from BCM,,,

Re: Convert clock from Diesel to Petrol

Posted: 10 Sep 2020, 07:30
by amplified
So no eeprom change is needed then? I am just finishing one converted from diesel to petrol and will check rpm if all good. Because i sourced mid convers for mine :lol: