Convert clock from Diesel to Petrol
Posted: 12 Mar 2019, 20:35
After spending some weeks searching the universe for a later FL petrol convers+ with no joy apart for silly prices.
I decided to convert a Diesel one how hard can it be. Well not as easy as I would of hoped,
Firstly dismantled the Diesel FL Convers then the middle FL Petrol. After some study I come to the conclusion best to use the Diesel MB
With the Petrolconvers Case/Frame, well after drilling hole to make the trim panel and dials fit I eventually got there.
All works fine apart from the RPM/tacho being diesel its calibrated FSD at 6k and not 8K, so now I start the hunt for a EEprom
Dump of a FL 14** petrol convers so I can compare the two Diesel / Petrol to see whot the differences are.
First problem I run into is not being able to read the eeprom in circuit with my reader, it complains of excessive load on VCC,
So I spent the day hunting down my Aardvark to find it had died of old age.. looked like cat peed in it. ?
So I have had to order a new one much to my horror £300. Ol well will continue when it arrives i surpose i could remove the eeprom
but thats to easy. LOL
ps i will take a few pictures of the mods i had to make to to fit the Petrol trim with Diesel speedo dial and petrol rmp dial
not a straight forward as it looked
I decided to convert a Diesel one how hard can it be. Well not as easy as I would of hoped,
Firstly dismantled the Diesel FL Convers then the middle FL Petrol. After some study I come to the conclusion best to use the Diesel MB
With the Petrolconvers Case/Frame, well after drilling hole to make the trim panel and dials fit I eventually got there.
All works fine apart from the RPM/tacho being diesel its calibrated FSD at 6k and not 8K, so now I start the hunt for a EEprom
Dump of a FL 14** petrol convers so I can compare the two Diesel / Petrol to see whot the differences are.
First problem I run into is not being able to read the eeprom in circuit with my reader, it complains of excessive load on VCC,
So I spent the day hunting down my Aardvark to find it had died of old age.. looked like cat peed in it. ?
So I have had to order a new one much to my horror £300. Ol well will continue when it arrives i surpose i could remove the eeprom
but thats to easy. LOL
ps i will take a few pictures of the mods i had to make to to fit the Petrol trim with Diesel speedo dial and petrol rmp dial
not a straight forward as it looked