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Instant and average fuel consumption

Posted: 10 Jan 2021, 08:17
by sanndo
How we can get Instant and average fuel consumption by CAN?
I want to make a Arduino code to show this info on LCD

Re: Instant and average fuel consumption

Posted: 10 Jan 2021, 10:19
by DGAlexandru
This information is not present on CAN. The IPC is responssible for calculating them. All it gets from CAN is fuel flow or something similar and then computes this against vehicle speed.
You'll have to sniff CAN for data that changes with RPM and go from there.

We can get the algorithm from IPC by reverse engineering using a dissasembler software against its flash contents... but this might proove to be harder to do than sniffing CAN and doing some math :P

Re: Instant and average fuel consumption

Posted: 10 Jan 2021, 12:17
by sanndo
if we know formula... we can create simple c++ arduino code to calculate ... maybe :D
08B is fuel, right?