When i browse through the content of the dump i find this:
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01681400 49 4E 4F 44 01 00 00 00 68 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 INOD....h.......
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01EB8600 49 4E 4F 44 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 INOD............
This could be run without an FS, but there are serveral drivers, even special ones for flash chips (the S29GL of FX is a NOR-Flash). Datalight INC. has an RTOS which also provides such driver, named "Reliance Edge". Here are the sources on Github and i point right to a header-file where we found the refs for the above strings:
https://github.com/datalightinc/relianc ... ped_q=INOD
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#define META_SIG_MASTER (0x5453414DU) /* 'MAST' */
#define META_SIG_METAROOT (0x4154454DU) /* 'META' */
#define META_SIG_IMAP (0x50414D49U) /* 'IMAP' */
#define META_SIG_INODE (0x444F4E49U) /* 'INOD' */
#define META_SIG_DINDIR (0x494C4244U) /* 'DBLI' */
#define META_SIG_INDIR (0x49444E49U) /* 'INDI' */
The reason why we find the inodes only on the upper half of the flash may be that the lower part is used to boot the kernel and the needed FS for storing data read from SD/CD/DVD or just temporary and persistent files must be stored somewhere.