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VBF 2.4+ format

Posted: 09 Mar 2020, 11:21
by tasicky
Most information about the VBF format applies to version 2.3. I propose that we go a little further together. Ford used compressed vbf probably from Fusion / MK5.

According to other sources, the extension of the VBF shortcut to: Ford / Volvo: Versatile Binary Format.
Currently available versions are: prev, V2.2, V2.3, V2.4, V3.0, V4.0

Data block compression has been introduced since version 2.4.

The following section appeared in the header:
// Data format identifier: 0x00 = Uncompressed, 0x10 = Compressed
data_format_identifier = 0x10;

I did a small search regarding the compression format used in this vbf generation.
According to what I found it is:

LZSS data compression This is a pure LZSS

Sliding window is 10 bit length,
(10Bit/4Bit acc. Fordcompression with bit coded repeat character is 4 bits. called FordSWDL005)
value of plain text or repeated data.

Encryption may also occur:
Ford compression (LZSS 10/4) followed by AES CBC encryption.

If the post is not here, move it.