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Import maps from MCA to FX

Posted: 10 Feb 2020, 12:17
by sanndo
So, I try to do that transfer from about a month ago.
For now I have only success with maps from NX to FX.
Bosh never produce FX maps for Bulgaria and Romania.
With change some files I got major roads in this country.. But I need a full MCA map. Did anyone make some research?

Re: Import maps from MCA to FX

Posted: 10 Feb 2020, 19:32
by DGAlexandru
sanndo wrote: 10 Feb 2020, 12:17 But I need a full MCA map.
With Romania and Bulgaria?
MCA maps are the same with 4.2" Navi from Focus 3 / Kuga 2 / C-Max 2.

Re: Import maps from MCA to FX

Posted: 10 Feb 2020, 19:56
by sanndo
I mean need to import mca to my fx :)

Maps from NX to FX

Posted: 16 Feb 2020, 14:58
by sanndo
OK, new threat.

Just try some tests and find this:

Copy MAP, RNW and LID folder from NX dvd 2012 to SD FX 2017 and travelpiot FX work fine with new maps. You can search and view on map all data.

BUT! When I try to copy same folders from DVD 2014/2017 to fx sd card, I see only countries in search and map view is empty.

Did anyone know how to solve that?

Re: Import maps from MCA to FX

Posted: 20 Feb 2020, 18:16
by hanssi
Yes, I did it. I have successfully moved these three folders from NX maps 2019 to to FX map and all work fine.

Re: Import maps from MCA to FX

Posted: 21 Feb 2020, 05:30
by sanndo
How you did this to work? Can you post all file structure with cfg and dnl? And from what version you get these folders?

Re: Import maps from MCA to FX

Posted: 21 Feb 2020, 15:11
by hanssi
I did not special. Just replaced the folders. Here is map info from FX.

Re: Import maps from MCA to FX

Posted: 05 Apr 2020, 18:24
by Go4IT
I tried to reproduce what you said, copy the 2019 NX maps over to an SD-Card but the FX (patched Firmware, no CID-Check) will not recognize it as valid maps. Because on DVD there is no cryptnav folder in the root, it put the files from DVD into a cryptnav-folder on the SD. Also tried to use an info.txt from an 2018er FX SD, and also yours, but no luck.
Are you shure there is nothing else needed?

One way to find out what the FX accessed on an SD is to disassemble the firmware to that point, or use an SD-Emulator to know what the firmware is accessing on the SD-Card to check wheather it should use the data or not.

Re: Import maps from MCA to FX

Posted: 05 Apr 2020, 20:13
by sanndo
there is a small file inside MISC folder - SD_META.DAT. You need to put this file on FX SD card and need to copy DNL folder too.
I do this from NX to FX with all maps, but only one that not run is 2015 greece version, that I need :D
I try with copy folders from MCA, RNS, opel... but fx can't recognize it. Only LID folder (country list) is show on FX.

Re: Import maps from MCA to FX

Posted: 05 Apr 2020, 20:56
by Go4IT
Great job, sanndo, that worked!! :-)
I put the NX 2019 files with your changes to an FX. All fine.