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Re: Understanding data structure of "fgs.dnl" file from Nav-FX Update-CD

Posted: 09 Feb 2021, 20:14
by cipicas

Re: Understanding data structure of "fgs.dnl" file from Nav-FX Update-CD

Posted: 20 Mar 2021, 08:28
by Go4IT
@DGAlexandru, great findings! Yes there is a separate SPI flash, specialized to contain the FPGA (Altera Cyclone) build instructions to form, i guess, some kind of ARM soft-cpu and maybe a gpu also, as it otherwise would male no sense to put a FPGA here and not a regular ARM cpu or MCU.
The flash is called EPCS4 and i fully read it out (see attach). But the content is encrypted for shure to protect IP (intellectual property). I have currently no clue how this works.

This is how Altera propose to connect it
And this, how it is connected in FX graphicsboard

Re: Understanding data structure of "fgs.dnl" file from Nav-FX Update-CD

Posted: 31 Jul 2021, 20:11
by buzyz
I think it would only make sense that the graphicsboard is an off the shelf module, and the FPGA just flashes fw onto it.
- probably someting similar to STVC035WT-01.

that would mean that the fgs.dnl is just a file that tells the fpga what to flash + text that is displaied while flashing
If we find the company who made that display module and get access to the original IDE it would make reverse engineering a lot faster and simpler

does anybody know what the main lcd IC is ?

Re: Understanding data structure of "fgs.dnl" file from Nav-FX Update-CD

Posted: 06 Aug 2021, 06:21
by Go4IT
In my Wiki you find some infos i managed to put there: ... cd-display ... phicsboard
And here is a block diagram
For what i found out to far is that it's a "TPO Displays Corp." of type "TJ058ZA01AA". It has 440 x 200 px and uses RGB555 (32.768 colors) color model. If it helps i disassemble one of them to see what's inside, as the LCD is stated as "active matrix display", so there is electronic inside.