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Re: Rfa module differences mondeo mk4 prefl

Posted: 13 May 2022, 16:48
by DGAlexandru
What pinout?
BDM - It's on the first page.
CAN and Power - it was started here by Go4IT

Re: Rfa module differences mondeo mk4 prefl

Posted: 13 May 2022, 17:02
by ZvonimirG
@ DBAlexandru I think also that watchdog kick in before bootloader because on random times almost start flashing dead module and when poll modules in car I get sometimes some information from KVM
amplified in attachment is keyless shematic from wich I connected like this:
On blue connector C3 pin 3 GND
On yellow connector C4 pin 1 & 2 +12V
On brown conector C5 pin 15 MS Can High pin 14 MS Can Low, put 60 ohm resistor between