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Re: Repair FX, NX satnav units not starting anymore
Posted: 02 Jan 2020, 14:47
by oscarboiro
Hello Friends, and happy new year to all members.
Now i have another FX with fault, i read the voltage values, and the MAX834(AAAX) have next values:
-Output: 3,35V
-Input: 1,54V
In the picture with labels, have 4V in the input and i have 1,54v, any suggestions?
Re: Repair FX, NX satnav units not starting anymore
Posted: 02 Jan 2020, 15:18
by Go4IT
Try to replace the part, as it may also be defective like mine was...
Re: Repair FX, NX satnav units not starting anymore
Posted: 02 Jan 2020, 15:25
by oscarboiro
Ok, now I'm going to buy some parts(in few weeks i recieve it). I have my broken nx after stopping the update process and I don't start anymore, I read values from nx defective and I have the same values. But first I try to replace it, and if work, i replace the same part on my nx. Thank you!!!
Re: Repair FX, NX satnav units not starting anymore
Posted: 03 Jan 2020, 15:32
by oscarboiro
Hello, im looking my 2 nx and test the voltage in MAX834 and all have the same values.
-Output: 3,35v
-input: 1,54V
My two NX work fine, and i think this component work fine.
aftes this conclusion, y read voltage in a LTC3407, in the same place of picture of Go4IT post, anh i have same voltages, but after little time; the voltage down to 0,xx in both places.
I replace the ram memory, only one slot of memory, in the same side of voltage regulator and my unit START!!!!
My next step is try to put focus/kuga firmware...