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Re: Mondeo MK5 IPC

Posted: 16 Feb 2020, 22:58
by Stevebe
Just for reference the tacho on the ipc is on ID 204 data bit 5 00 to 0C that gives 0nto 6k. HS can 500k.
If you connect with UCDS use the old MS can pins 11 and 3 but it’s running Hs 500k, then you can pol the ipc from UCDS and also dump the EEPROM from UCDS 4096 bytes..
I have been bombing the ipc most of the day as most ALL function are on the HS can including the steering wheel buttons, I think the A2D is in the SWM
Then is translates to Can I’d 2A1 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 is the centre Menü haven’t found the ok button I’d yet but I have found some wildly weird
Functions .lol. M

Re: Mondeo MK5 IPC

Posted: 17 Feb 2020, 18:36
by leader

The button are controlled by the SCCM module (Steering Column Control Module), and the messages are sent on HS2-CAN:
There is also a function in UCDS where you can monitor steering wheel buttons:

Re: Mondeo MK5 IPC

Posted: 17 Feb 2020, 18:47
by Stevebe
leader wrote: 17 Feb 2020, 18:36 Hi,

The button are controlled by the SCCM module (Steering Column Control Module), and the messages are sent on HS2-CAN:




There is also a function in UCDS where you can monitor steering wheel buttons:


Yes that’s what I said, I have just got a module with steering wheel to hook up also a gatway

Re: Mondeo MK5 IPC

Posted: 17 Feb 2020, 19:08
by leader
Some weeks ago I already played with the buttons remotely on one of my friend's car, but unfotuntaly he had only UCDS cable and all the logs are encrypred....
If somebody is able to decrypt UCDS log files than I can send it. There are different logs for every buttons and the logs peridic sequence of button pushes.

Re: Mondeo MK5 IPC

Posted: 17 Feb 2020, 19:48
by Stevebe
ID 2A1 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29

Is part of the can messages

Re: Mondeo MK5 IPC

Posted: 17 Feb 2020, 21:53
by leader
Based on some information found on one F150 forum played a little with the buttons and I found the messages to navigate in the central menu... :)

There are 3 states of the button:

1. Pressed: 2A1 ?? FF FF FF 10 00 1E 02
2. Released: 2A1 ?? FF FF FF 00 00 1E 00
3. Held: 2A1 ?? FF FF FF 10 00 1E 00

The ?? bytes are the button codes which are:

28 => RIGHT (or OK)
29 => LEFT
2A => OK (or Right)
2B => UP
2C => DOWN

Before Pressed signal always must send a Relesed signal to avoit stuck on Held state.
If you send only the Pressed state than the menu navigation will be hang for few seconds and IPC will not accept new button signals meanwhile.

For example a simple DOWN press singal must be the following:

Code: Select all

2A1 2C FF FF FF 00 00 1E 00  <= DOWN button in released state
sleep 10ms
2A1 2C FF FF FF 10 00 1E 02 <= DOWN button in pressed state
On linux using can-utils I create the following bash aliases to navigate in the central menu:

Code: Select all

alias pleft="cansend can1 2A1#29FFFFFF00001E00; sleep 0.01; cansend can1 2A1#29FFFFFF10001E02"
alias pright="cansend can1 2A1#28FFFFFF00001E00; sleep 0.01; cansend can1 2A1#28FFFFFF10001E02"
alias pok="cansend can1 2A1#2AFFFFFF00001E00; sleep 0.01; cansend can1 2A1#2AFFFFFF10001E02"
alias pup=' cansend can1 2A1#2BFFFFFF00001E00; sleep 0.01; cansend can1 2A1#2BFFFFFF10001E02'
alias pdown='cansend can1 2A1#2CFFFFFF00001E00; sleep 0.01; cansend can1 2A1#2CFFFFFF10001E02'
Than I can use the pleft/pright/pok/pdown/pup commands for the navigation in the central menu.

Now it's need to figure out how to navigate in the left menu also...

Re: Mondeo MK5 IPC

Posted: 17 Feb 2020, 23:10
by Stevebe
leader wrote: 17 Feb 2020, 21:53 Based on some information found on one F150 forum played a little with the buttons and I found the messages to navigate in the central menu... :)

There are 3 states of the button:

1. Pressed: 2A1 ?? FF FF FF 10 00 1E 02
2. Released: 2A1 ?? FF FF FF 00 00 1E 00
3. Held: 2A1 ?? FF FF FF 10 00 1E 00

NICE work leader..
Yeah they are very good got USM, CD, running also

Re: Mondeo MK5 IPC

Posted: 18 Feb 2020, 06:57
by leader
Stevebe, are you living upside down? :lol:

Every of your photos are upside down...

Re: Mondeo MK5 IPC

Posted: 18 Feb 2020, 14:04
by Stevebe
leader wrote: 18 Feb 2020, 06:57 Stevebe, are you living upside down? :lol:

Every of your photos are upside down...
They will be ok when you open them or perhaps the rest of the world is upside down ;)
GPS MODULE for sync 2

Re: Mondeo MK5 IPC

Posted: 19 Feb 2020, 17:35
by Stevebe
Has anyone got the connection pinout to the FCIM