After a UDS DID-scan (using 0x22 Read Data By Identifier) using the default session (unauth) it looks like only a limited subset is shown. Now i'd like to scan again using a secured session using "Security Access Service Identifier (0x27)"
Therefore i need to know the secure key to open the session. This, for shure is somewhere in the firmware of the V850 (Radio-Processor), but how to find? Maybe it could be found using some brute-force methods?
The usual way to implement this is outlined here ("client" is the requestor, "server" the MCA):
- The client sends a request for a "seed" to the server that it wants to unlock.
- The server replies by sending the "seed" back to the client.
- The client then generates a "key" based on the "seed" and sends the key to the server.
- If the client-generated the "key" with the correct algorithm the server will respond that the "key" was valid and that it will unlock itself.