Hey guys! New strange prob with FX. Repaired RAMs and updated with Mod. After that FX does not detect SD card (2013, genuine). Also tested others. Updated with genuine firmware, but same issue
Tested frontpanel from a working radio, but issue remain. So it seems it's up to the mainboard.
Changed EEPROM, but also not luck...
SD is wired to OMAP
Any ideas how to recover?
FX does not detect/use SD-Card
Re: FX does not detect/use SD-Card
Did you try to put music on card to play? After eject card unit show warning message?
Re: FX does not detect/use SD-Card
It does not show up SD, neither on insert nor on remove. Only the LED will flash shortly.
Re: FX does not detect/use SD-Card
I've recoverd it! In the end a complete Reflash healed it