Go4it this link is old I think it should beGo4IT wrote: ↑15 Dec 2019, 10:27 Try this settings https://mk4-wiki.denkdose.de/artikel/ip ... isassemble
https://mk4-wiki.denkdose.de/en/artikel ... isassemble
Go4it this link is old I think it should beGo4IT wrote: ↑15 Dec 2019, 10:27 Try this settings https://mk4-wiki.denkdose.de/artikel/ip ... isassemble
Oh boy, you don't got me wrong, didn't you!?
Code: Select all
ROM:00001018 loc_1018 ; CODE XREF: ROM:00000000↑j
ROM:00001018 LDR R0, =0x4000BEFC
ROM:0000101C MSR CPSR_c, #0xD2
ROM:00001020 SUB SP, R0, #0x100
ROM:00001024 MSR CPSR_c, #0x5F ; '_'
ROM:00001028 B loc_3DF8
ROM:00001028 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
ROM:0000102C dword_102C DCD 0x4000BEFC ; DATA XREF: ROM:loc_1018↑r
ROM:00001030 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
I am stupid a read the data from your example wrong, this is what happens with dyslexia lo lo i try again
Code: Select all
ROM:000784E0 aTest DCB 4,"TEST"
ROM:000784E5 aGaugeSweep DCB 11,"Gauge sweep"
ROM:000784F1 aLedTest DCB 8,"LED test"
ROM:000784FA aRomLevel DCB 9,"ROM level"
ROM:00078504 aNvmTargetRom DCB 14,"NVM target ROM"
ROM:00078513 aNvmEepromLvl DCB 14,"NVM EEPROM lvl"
ROM:00078522 aManufacture DCB 11,"Manufacture"
ROM:0007852E aHours DCB 5,"hours"
ROM:00078534 aDtc DCB 3,"DTC"
ROM:00078538 aRoadSpeed DCB 10,"Road speed"
ROM:00078543 aMph DCB 3,"mph"
ROM:00078547 aKmH DCB 4,"km/h"
ROM:0007854C aSpeedoGauge DCB 12,"Speedo gauge"
ROM:00078559 aTachoGauge DCB 11,"Tacho gauge"
ROM:00078565 aEngineSpeed DCB 12,"Engine speed"
ROM:00078572 aOdometer DCB 8,"Odometer"
ROM:0007857B aKm DCB 2,"km"
ROM:0007857E aOdoRollCount DCB 14,"ODO roll count"
ROM:0007858D aFuelPercent DCB 12,"Fuel percent"
ROM:0007859A aFuelGauge DCB 10,"Fuel gauge"
ROM:000785A5 aFuelADInput DCB 14,"Fuel A/D input"
ROM:000785B4 aFuelFlow DCB 9,"Fuel flow"
ROM:000785BE aTempGauge DCB 11,"Temp. gauge"
ROM:000785CA aEngineTemp DCB 12,"Engine temp."
ROM:000785D7 aC_0 DCB 1,"C"
ROM:000785D9 aBattery DCB 7,"Battery"
ROM:000785E1 aADInput DCB 9,"A/D Input"
ROM:000785EB aPort DCB 4,"Port"
ROM:000785F0 aDistToEmpty DCB 14,"Dist. to empty"
ROM:000785FF aRafe DCB 4,"RAFE"
ROM:00078604 aL100km DCB 7,"l/100km"
ROM:0007860C aStart DCB 5,"start"
Code: Select all
ROM:000039FE LDRB R1, [R0,#2] ; Load current value of I2C Bus Control Register (IBCR)
ROM:00003A00 LSLS R1, R1, #25 ; Shift left value of R1 by 25 positions and store the result back into R1
ROM:00003A02 LSRS R1, R1, #25 ; Shift right the same value by 25 positions
ROM:00003A04 STRB R1, [R0,#2] ; The shift above only forces Bit 7 to be 0 and so to enable the I2C module