Search found 50 matches

by leader
08 Mar 2020, 19:36
Forum: Protocols
Topic: Lawicel compatible CAN BUS monitoring interface - arduino nano sketch
Replies: 6
Views: 7975

Re: Lawicel compatible CAN BUS monitoring interface - arduino nano sketch

Hi, Nice work. Can you confirm if this arduino based lawicel interface can be used as SLCAN (Serial Line CAN) also on linux? I have a german and a russian variant CanHacker interface also. The german version can be used easly on linux as SLCAN device, but the russion not... The russian device is det...
by leader
07 Mar 2020, 18:01
Forum: Software
Topic: What Hex editor you use?
Replies: 5
Views: 7911

Re: What Hex editor you use?

sanndo wrote: 07 Mar 2020, 16:21 On Mac I use a 010 Editor. Great for edit, compare and CRC
Me too... :D
On OSX I also use 010 Editor, it's a very powerfull text/hex editor.
It's not free but is worth the price.
by leader
07 Mar 2020, 13:43
Forum: Clocks/Speedos
Topic: Create own language packs for MK5 IPC
Replies: 14
Views: 5489

Re: Create own language packs

....but I made some tools to help my work... @leader, can you share your C code tool? The GO code what I posted here was created by analysing the HMI binary in a simple hexeditor and using my brean to identify some logic. I already discovered the function in IDA and Ghidra to process the language a...
by leader
05 Mar 2020, 13:54
Forum: Clocks/Speedos
Topic: Create own language packs for MK5 IPC
Replies: 14
Views: 5489

Re: Create own language packs for MK5 IPC

Thx Go4IT to split MK5 related information into own thread.
by leader
04 Mar 2020, 15:47
Forum: Clocks/Speedos
Topic: Mondeo MK5 IPC
Replies: 78
Views: 154503

Re: Mondeo MK5 IPC

paxtonix wrote: 04 Mar 2020, 11:52

Code: Select all

02 80 05 00 
{0x02, 0x80, 0x05, 0x00} means RGBA5551 color format with RLE (Running Length Encoding) compression and with reverse line order.
by leader
03 Mar 2020, 22:01
Forum: Clocks/Speedos
Topic: Mondeo MK5 IPC
Replies: 78
Views: 154503

Re: Mondeo MK5 IPC

I created a tool 1,5 years ago to the convert the DDP images to PNG or standard BMP format. It's handles almsot all (but not all) DDP formats... Just for examples here are the background images from GS7T-14C088-BJE: So if someone have the urge to customize the gui than everythig...
by leader
03 Mar 2020, 21:47
Forum: Clocks/Speedos
Topic: Mondeo MK5 IPC
Replies: 78
Views: 154503

Re: Mondeo MK5 IPC

Those DDB files are bitmap images in special format. (DDB extension means Device Dependent Bitmap). The first 16 bits (bytes 0-1) stores the widt,h the second 16 bits (bytes 2-3) stores the height of the image. The next 4 bytes (4-7) stores the colorformat, line order and compression method of the i...
by leader
25 Feb 2020, 08:29
Forum: Clocks/Speedos
Topic: Mondeo MK5 IPC
Replies: 78
Views: 154503

Re: Mondeo MK5 IPC

I wrote about the fact that the entire QNX reminds me of a system from mobile phones on which you could install .js applications. You are not far from the reality. Basicaly QNX was the operating systems of Blackberry phones and mainly used in many embadded systems. For example this days is the most...
by leader
25 Feb 2020, 08:11
Forum: Clocks/Speedos
Topic: Mondeo MK5 IPC
Replies: 78
Views: 154503

Re: Mondeo MK5 IPC

After viewing the vbf content for IPC - you have that commentary Description: Pre-installation script for Jade SWDL of bitmap images file via CAN Thats one is SHELL script (processed by /bin/sh), and not JAVA. The preinstall script just maps the /dev/fs0 device to virtual address 0x10000000 and era...
by leader
24 Feb 2020, 20:37
Forum: Clocks/Speedos
Topic: Mondeo MK5 IPC
Replies: 78
Views: 154503

Re: Mondeo MK5 IPC

one way or another - we need someone who nows .js good enough to help us understand. Im wondering what is behind this IP address and how we can access it. even if developers left it behind because of not cleaning the code - so lets use it on our advantage. Can you show to us a sample where did you ...